When Selecting an Agent to Sell Your Home What is Most Important to You?

Friday, June 18, 2010

Open Houses

Do you typically search for your open houses in the newspaper or other places? Do you ever look online to see what open houses are available? If you have not checked for open houses online, please try the website below. There typically are lots of open houses up on this website.

Currently you can search for open houses on this website by sorting the available ones by Highest Price, Lowest Price, & New or Recently Changed First. You also can search by Area which currently includes: Entire Area, North Fargo, South Fargo, West Fargo, Moorhead, Rural ND, and Rural MN. If you have a question, or would like to view one of the properties but you can’t make it during the time the open house is open please either call or email me. My Cell: 701-367-9267 and my Email: NickNymark@gmail.com otherwise you can fill out your contact information on my website: www.NickNymark.com

Website for Open Houses: www.FMOPENHOUSES.com